I tried giving him a complex paint job but it didn't seem to work so I settled for covering the cheap-looking grey plastic and silver paint with black, adding a few black details to the arms, silver details in the middle of his chest, blacklining the red torso area and adding scuffs and scratches all over, but mostly down his left side.
Kitbashed, Repainted, Customized Transformers Movie Revenge Of The Fallen Skywarp
Skywarp is a repaint (with a new head) of the Movie '07 Starscream mold and the main complaint about this figure is the lack of real hands. By cutting off half of the grey gun barrels I've exposed his long claw-like fingers. I also added a joint to the middle of each finger so each hand has six moving parts. By trimming tabs out of his hips I've increased range of motion for his thighs, allowing him to lift his knees higher and swing his legs across his body, giving the illusion of a turning waist. Of course, adding a ball-joint neck is always an improvement! To mimic Starscream's '07 Movie arsenal I used magnets to attach a gattling gun to Skywarp's right arm and made a weapon similar in design to what Startscream uses with his left arm. This was made with offcuts from his arms and ice-cream tubs as well as the shafts of his missiles.I tried giving him a complex paint job but it didn't seem to work so I settled for covering the cheap-looking grey plastic and silver paint with black, adding a few black details to the arms, silver details in the middle of his chest, blacklining the red torso area and adding scuffs and scratches all over, but mostly down his left side.






