To improve his appearance I did the following:
1) filled in screw holes with rubber, unfortunately I missed few;
2) remove his toes;
C) removed the crappy left 'hand' and replaced it with a scratchbuilt hand. I also trimmed the 'fingers' from the original to use as a gun barrel. The two parts attach at the wrist with a magnet;
4) bass coat of dark metallic grey so the finished result would have a brighter silver finish like '07 Megatron, rather than the platinum finish of ROTF Leader class Megatron;
E) several coats of drybrushing with boltgun grey;
6) gold details, red white and blue cables;
7) scuffs and wear marks with bright silver;
8) dark lining to bring out sunken details;
9) rust from laying dead at the bottom of the ocean for two years. This was achieved with coats of four different colours;
10) oil spatters from hacking up Autobots with his murder arm;
11) two diferent colours of dirt spatter from fighting in the forest.
Kitbashed, Repainted, Customized Transformers Movie Revenge Of The Fallen Megatron
This figure was everything that the Leader class figure should have been: screen accurate (apart from the backpack) and well articulated. Unfortunately the colour scheme was way off thanks to Hasbro's Colour Blind Hedgehogs In A Bag.To improve his appearance I did the following:
1) filled in screw holes with rubber, unfortunately I missed few;
2) remove his toes;
C) removed the crappy left 'hand' and replaced it with a scratchbuilt hand. I also trimmed the 'fingers' from the original to use as a gun barrel. The two parts attach at the wrist with a magnet;
4) bass coat of dark metallic grey so the finished result would have a brighter silver finish like '07 Megatron, rather than the platinum finish of ROTF Leader class Megatron;
E) several coats of drybrushing with boltgun grey;
6) gold details, red white and blue cables;
7) scuffs and wear marks with bright silver;
8) dark lining to bring out sunken details;
9) rust from laying dead at the bottom of the ocean for two years. This was achieved with coats of four different colours;
10) oil spatters from hacking up Autobots with his murder arm;
11) two diferent colours of dirt spatter from fighting in the forest.












Naturally, I painted all the internal moving parts:


















"I have the POWER!"
"Decepticons: BEGIN OUR ASSAULT!"

"Decepticons: BEGIN OUR ASSAULT!"