In the animation his wings fold up very small in robot mode but this isn't possible with the toy. If you swing them back he becomes too heavy to stand properly. The toy comes with two guns that attach to the forearms but in the cartoon his arm transforms. I didn't like the way this weapon looked (and he only deployed it twice, briefly) so I made something with a passing similarity that I think looks more interesting.
Dragon Mode Fixes:
Kitbashed, Repainted, Customized Transformers: Prime Predaking
Don't criticise me for the lumpy paint job: it was intentional. The first time Predaking transformed in the cartoon I noticed his rough surfaces and immediately wondered how I would replicate it on the toy that I had not yet purchased, but what a disappointing figure it was. A dragon mode with almost no articulation and a totally inaccurate colour scheme (as usual). The dragon's spring-loaded neck meant that when you aren't holding the lever his head points straight up. The left and right upper jaws were molded into the lower jaw so it had fangs pointing down as well as up, which looked very odd.In the animation his wings fold up very small in robot mode but this isn't possible with the toy. If you swing them back he becomes too heavy to stand properly. The toy comes with two guns that attach to the forearms but in the cartoon his arm transforms. I didn't like the way this weapon looked (and he only deployed it twice, briefly) so I made something with a passing similarity that I think looks more interesting.
Dragon Mode Fixes:
- Added ball joints between each tail segment;
- Removed plastic filler from tail and wing spikes;
- Covered holes in tail with ice cream tub cuttings;
- Ball joint added to wings;
- Outside upper jaws removed from lower jaw, which was split into two. Ball joints added to outside upper jaws and lower jaws;
- New neck added.
- Ball joint neck added;
- Hands given the ability to close fully;
- Elbows given slightly more range of motion;
- Gun made from one of his weapons.





















